Women’s Herbalism Course 2024

Are you interested in self-care practices, plant medicine and healing?

Are you ready to immerse yourself in the magical and fascinating world of plants?



When we open our hearts to the wisdom of the plants, we are remembering who we are meant to be, the life that is given to each of us to live. The plants are filled with light and love and they wish to share it with us. Here is an opportunity to not only expand your knowledge and understanding of herbs, but also to open to the wisdom of your own heart– to hear the truth that is within you and to be able to receive the teachings of the plant world.

In the Flowering Earth Herbalism Course for Women we focus on connecting to the Earth, finding our sense of place and learning to listen more delicately. To the plants. To all the beings that inhabit and coexist together. It’s about seeing how we are related to and depend on each other.

Plants are our allies, teachers, healers and friends. Our lives are interwoven with theirs, from the life-giving oxygen that they exhale to the nourishing foods and potent medicines that they grow within their own beings and offer up to us so generously. They give of themselves so completely, so humbly and they teach us to slow down, to listen to our own inner wisdom so that we can remember that we are connected to ALL of life.

Irena Cora Stathis

MEET the owner & instructor

Irena Cora Stathis is an Herbalist, Flower Essence Practitioner and founder of the Flowering Earth School of Herbalism. She specializes in women’s health, self-care practices, natural beauty and preventative wellness. She handcrafts botanical beauty products, herbal teas, extracts, essences, and balms from the plants in her garden and those that she carefully tends in the wild. She also offers workshops at the Los Angeles County Arboretum, online classes and plant walks in the LA area.

Irena is passionate about all aspects of women’s health from menarche to menopause. After working with many women in her herbal practice for over a decade, she was inspired to create the Herbalism Course for Women, an immersive, hands-on program based in self-care practices, herbal wisdom and body awareness.

Her classes explore the many pathways of healing with plant medicines via our own personal connection to the plants and the Earth.

Irena is ever grateful to her teachers, mentors and friends who have generously shared their vast knowledge and understanding with her and many others, for all the people who came before and have passed down their teachings and traditions, and to the beautiful, wild, and selfless beings who offer up their healing wisdom and medicine, the plants themselves.

From Our Students

See what our past students have to say.

Every day in Irena’s class is a delight. She is so knowledgeable and has so much experience with the plants. There is so much to learn from her. She has opened my mind to the great healing power of plants. All while having fun at the same time!

Lisa T.

Very much enjoyed the class with hands-on experience. Teas, learning different methods for preparing herbs. As far as I am concerned you could “repeat the same class” and I would get a deeper understanding of the concepts.

Especially loooved the girls/comradery of the group. So happy you are having these classes/workshops!

– Fran

I’m really enjoying the apprenticeship. It’s getting me thinking about a lot of things that get pushed deep below the surface in the hustle of everyday life. The angle you come from is very different from the angle I’ve been taught about medicine and healing, even through the Chinese medicine that I studied and I feel like I’m becoming a more whole practitioner. I always leave your sessions feeling full of knowledge and inspiration, renewed, and positive. Thank you 💜

Eve Harrison, VMD, CVA

Marigold Veterinary 

I love your classes, and yesterday’s Tulsi was especially delightful. In stressful traffic on the way home, I was able to munch a leaf you gave us and revive peace. As you know I have not been driving for years but our plant friends and your teaching has me back on the road.

Daphne W.

I completed the herbalism course during the Spring of 2023 and the experience exceeded my expectations.  Irena, our instructor, not only possesses extensive knowledge but also a deep passion for herbs that is truly priceless. She openly shares her love and expertise, creating an atmosphere where asking questions is welcomed, and any intimidation is quickly dispelled. Her warm and inviting demeanor, coupled with her vibrant garden added to an enriching experience. Throughout the course, I gained insights to my doshas/constitutions, discovered medicinal applications of local plants, learned to create teas, infusions, concoctions and so much more.  


What made this course even more exceptional was our daily routine. Half of each day was dedicated to in-depth plant studies, where we delved into the constituents and characteristics of different herbs and explored their medicinal purpose. The other half of the day was spent embarking on local hikes, allowing us to gain firsthand knowledge of native plants and their practical applications in the nearby areas. I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in practices that enhance our connection to the world we live in.
– Kelly D.


The Women’s Herbalism Course absolutely exceeded my expectations. Irena is such an exceptional teacher, and she truly lives and embodies what she teaches. I appreciated all the thought and intention she put behind every class–her passion and dedication were evident. I most enjoyed the multi-faceted and balanced approach to teaching about herbalism–combining science, folk wisdom, intuition, and relationship-building with plants. This helped us all to connect with plants in individual ways, and the breadth of Irena’s knowledge was very impressive. She also allowed us to form our own opinions as she presented different perspectives in a gentle and non-judgmental way. Further, I loved the way she facilitated our direct connection to plants–such as through giving us a sprig of a plant or a drop of a tincture and asking us to meditate with it and share how it made us feel. I think what surprised me was my own ability (which I think everyone possesses) to “hear” plants, simply by getting quiet and listening. I love that the course facilitated that! 

– Kim W.


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